Becoming Us™ Parents Video + Becoming Us™ The Book Bundle
Buy the Parents Video and the Book together and Save 50% on the book price
People say nothing can prepare you for parenthood, but that's not true anymore. Welcoming your new or next baby, or even the one who will complete your family, is a time of transformation. Knowing how to work as a team with the changes and challenges that are common to most mamas, papas and partners can deepen your connection and strengthen the foundation you are building for your whole family.
Becoming Us prepares, guides and supports you through the first few years of parenthood so you can grow a family that thrives.
This bundle includes the e-book of the landmark Becoming Us, 8 Steps to Grow a Family that Thrives and the Parent's Video for Becoming Us™ which includes discussion questions and short exercises.
Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle.