Welcome to You

The most important relationship we have in life is the one with ourselves. 
And yet, this is the relationship we pay the least attention to.

Let's change that.

Through this course, you'll get to know yourself at a deeper level. 
And discover what this could mean for every other aspect of your life.


What We'll Explore:

    1. Finding Yourself at Every Stage of Motherhood

    2. How Motherhood Grows Us

    3. Stress Relief and Self-Care

    4. Caring for Myself Handout

    1. Expectations of Motherhood

    2. Where Did Your Expectations of Motherhood Come From?

    3. More Supportive Expectations

    1. Why Have I Felt Like This?

    2. Mothers' Emotions

    3. Mapping My Emotions

    1. What Do I Need NOW?

    2. Supporting Myself to Grow

    3. Meeting Physical Needs

    4. Meeting Safety, Security and Support Needs

    5. Meeting Love and Belonging Needs

    6. Meeting Esteem Needs

    7. Meeting Self Actualisation or Being Needs

    1. Who am I?

    2. Starting at the Beginning

    3. Aspects of Self-Esteem

    4. Growing Sense of Identity and Self-Esteem

    1. What About my Partner? (and others)

    2. Finding My Voice

    3. What do I want for my relationships?

About this course

  • $27.00
  • 24 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Meet Your Guide

Elly Taylor, Author of Becoming Us, Partner and Mum

Looking back on her journey of motherhood, Elly lost and found herself again three times. And as a relationship counsellor for over 25 years, Elly discovered how easy it is for other mothers to lose themselves too -through their roles, their responsibilities, and their relationships. After digging deep, Elly found ways that led back to herself. She'd like to share these with other mothers, no matter what stage of the journey they're in.

Welcome to You

Discover your inner landscape and find new ways to grow.